Dashboard Benefits

  • Improved Agility - If you are unable to measure something, you cannot effectively manage it. AQMIS Dashboards are designed to provide users with ongoing performance measurement capabilities, so that they can quickly adjust their approach when circumstances call for change.
  • User Customizable - Dashboards must measure something meaningful to meet the unique job responsibilities of each user. All AQMIS dashboards are customizable to meet the specific needs and expectations of each user. Each decision level dashboard can be customized to present the most valuable and useful set of information. This allows each person to see the level of detail that they need in order to get their job done and track performance goals.
  • Intuitive Visibility and Insight – Dashboards are easy to access and understand, providing on-demand visibility and insight. With AQMIS Dashboards, users no longer have to wait for monthly reports to check progress or respond to changing conditions.
  • Performance Checks and Balances – When employees know that their performance is being monitored in real-time as (management doesn’t have to wait months to detect performance issues), they will inherently strive to improve their performance.
  • Time Savings – AQMIS Dashboards provide real-time access to key information. Users no longer need to spend countless hours logging into multiple systems to run and format reports or utilize IT personnel to run queries and format reports for them saving precious time and resources across the organization.
  • The Power of Environmental Analytics in the User’s Hands – AQMIS provides users with direct access to insightful and actionable information at-a-glance, so they can make informed decisions and take action quickly. There is no longer a need for users to request data from developers, wait for the data, receive the report, and then attempt to take action. Reports can be shared quickly between users, allowing the free flow of information between stakeholders.
  • Up to Date Progress Evaluation – Once you enact new environmental policies or processes, how long does it take to measure the results of that change? With environmental dashboards in place, management can see the effects of their changes in almost real-time, measuring goals against progress.

Available Dashboards










Main Dashboard

The Main Dashboard provides users with concise summary level information including:

  • The active emission inventory year
  • Count of facilities in the inventory
  • Count of release points
  • Count of pollutants
  • Media totals for air, water, wastewater, solid waste
  • Emission totals by defined geopolitical boundary (e.g., county, region, state) or facility
  • Interactive Map showing airsheds, regions, and facility locations
  • Emissions graphs by pollutant and county or facility

Easy to use navigation tools as well as advanced search and filtering options allow users to quickly find the information they are looking for.

Users can customize their dashboards to view the information they are most interested in. For example, users can select the list of pollutants to display such as criteria, toxics, or GHGs.

Facility Dashboard

The Facility Dashboard provides users with concise summary level information about the selected facility including:

  • Facility ID
  • Description
  • Count of pollutants
  • Release Points
  • Emissions Controls
  • Emissions Units
  • Classification Codes
  • Interactive Map
  • Location
  • Governing regulatory agency
  • Applicable media
  • Emissions periods
  • Processes
  • Status
  • Primary facility contact

Emissions Dashboard

Visualize and analyze emission inventory data in a multitude of ways including:

  • Data aggregation by:

    • Source types

    • Regional Designations

    • Attainment Zones

    • Facilities

    • Emission sources

    • Pollutants By Category

    • Temporal analytics and trending

    • Trend analysis over multiple inventory years

  • The emissions dashboard is user customizable to meet the specific requirements of your role and responsibilities. For example, you may be interested in air toxics while someone else may be responsible for managing GHGs or criteria pollutants

  • Generate formatted reports for online visualization or export data in common formats including PDF, Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Word, CSV, XML, and Tiff

Air Dispersion Modeling Dashboard

  • The Dispersion Modeling (ADM) Dashboard provides users with concise information on the location and magnitude of pollutant-specific modeled air concentrations including:

    • Maximum pollutant-specific concentrations

    • Maximum offsite concentration

    • Concentration gradient contour map

    • Percent of applicable regulatory standards

  • User selectable library of air dispersion modeling scenarios including Historic, Real-Time, and Forcast.

  • Source attribution profiles are provided to identify which emissions sources or source groupings are causing the highest impacts across the modeling domain

  • View multiple inventory years, trends, and comparison of modeled versus measured.

  • Concentration contours are automatically generated and visible on the map. Users can easily customize contour settings such as color ramps, contour intervals, index values, labels, and color outlines.

  • Pollutant contour maps can be viewed online or exported to share with additional stakeholders

Ambient Monitoring Station (AMS) Dashboard

  • Quickly identify exceedances of regulatory thresholds (e.g., Criteria Pollutants) or other user defined target levels

  • Identify areas within the network with the highest and lowest pollutant concentrations

  • Visualize data trends to identify temporal and spatial correlations

  • Visualize ambient air monitoring data in a multitude of ways including:

    • Time series bar charts

    • Line charts

    • Wind rose plots

    • Pollution rose plots

  • Pollution rose plots make it easy to identify upwind sources impacting the ambient monitor

  • Perform trend analysis by plotting multiple years of data

  • Visualize temporal patterns including seasonal or daily fluctuations in air concentrations

  • Charts are interactive where users can highlight specific data and turn data elements on an off to customize the display of results

  • Automatically calculate an Air Quality Index (AQI) to inform the public on the current and forecasted levels of air pollution

Air Quality Index (AQI) Dashboard

The air quality index is a number used by government agencies to communicate to the public how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become. As the AQI increases, an increasingly large percentage of the population is likely to experience increasingly severe adverse health effects. The AQI value ranges beteen 0 – 500.

The AQI dashboard provides calculated AQIs for all active ambient air monitors following the U.S. EPA calculation method. Available results include historic, current and forecasted AQI. The following information is provided so people can plan accordingly to limit their exposure to air pollution:
  • Overall AQI score
  • AQI score for individual pollutants
  • Health Effects
  • Who should be worried?
  • What should you do?
  • Trend charts and graphs for the past 24 hours

Data Quality Dashboard

The Data Quality Dashboard provides a summary of data quality including completeness (the amount of data present or missing) and validity (is the data of acceptable type and within an acceptable range). Data quality classifications include:
  • Good (Valid Data > 75%)
  • Bad (Valid Data 50-75%)
  • Critical (Valid Data < 50%)
  • Disconnected (No Data)

Risk Dashboard

  • The Human Health Risk Assessment (Risk) Dashboard provides users with concise information on the location and magnitude of pollutant-specific human health risks including:

    • Chronic cancer risk

    • Chronic non-cancer hazard

    • Short-term acute

  • Data visualization includes identification of cumulative and by pollutant specific cancer risks and hazards, including consideration of applicable regulatory risk target levels.

  • Exposure scenarios include:

    • Resident Adult and Child

    • Fisher Adult and Child

    • Farmer Adult and Child

  • Exposure pathways include direct inhalation and indirect ingestion.

  • The graphs include regulatory risk target levels to quickly identify risks that are above target levels of concern.

  • Human health risk can be calculated using modeled or measured pollutant concentrations.

Ticketing Dashboard

The Ticketing Dashboard provides a summary of tickets managed within the system and their current status including:

  • Tickets Assigned to Me
  • Tickets Submitted by Me
  • All Tickets
  • Assigned Tickets
  • Unassigned Tickets
  • Overdue Tickets

Each ticket is color coded to provide further information regarding its status. Users can search for tickets and apply multiple tags to further filter the information that is provided.

Calendar Dashboard

The Calendar Dashboard provides a summary of tickets based on the dates they are due or were completed. Tickets are color coded to identify the assigned status. Users can click on tickets to quickly access the details. The calendar can be viewed by Month, Week or Day.

Administrative Dashboard

The Systems Adminstration Dashboard provdies authorized users with concise adminstrative information including:

  • Login statistics including

    • Successful

    • Login failed

    • Log off successful

  • Password management including:

    • Change successful

    • Password change failed

    • Password reset successful

    • Password reset claim successful

    • Password reset claim failed

    • Project selection successful

  • User Invitation Management

    • User locked out

    • User unlocked

    • User invite sent

    • User invitation claimed

  • Shadow user Management

    • Shadow user log on successful

    • Shadow user log off successful

  • Interactive and users customizable summary charts and graphs