Monthly Newsletter - February 2019 Edition
AERMOD Course in Toronto, Canada – Feb 25-26, 2019 – A Few Spots Left! |
Our world class instructors will present a 2-day AERMOD course in Toronto from February 25 to 26, 2019.
This course will feature a special section and case study regarding the dispersion modeling requirements of Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality.
Lakes Environmental Sponsoring A&WMA 8th Specialty Conference
A&WMA’s Air Quality Models Conference, Guideline on Air Quality Models: Planning Ahead, will take place in Durham, North Carolina from March 19-21, 2019.
Learn the latest air quality modeling solutions and recommendations for the future!
Presentations will cover the implementation of the changes, experience gained, and viable solutions on the current and future state of the Guideline on Air Quality Models (40CFR Part 51 Appendix W).
- Innovative Modeling Applications and Techniques
- NAAQS Modeling - NO2 and SO2 Case Studies
- PM2.5 and Ozone Modeling - Regulatory Applications and Case Studies
- Meteorological Issues and Case Studies
- Prime2 - Updates to Building Downwash
Lakes Environmental Software is proudly sponsoring this annual event and our Senior Product Specialist, Mr. Michael Hammer is the General Conference Chair.
A&WMA Professional Development Course
Lakes Environmental will also be teaching a one-day Introduction to AERMOD course on Monday, March 18th. This course includes a complete look at the AERMOD modeling system and how to conduct air dispersion modeling analyses with AERMOD. Click below for more information and to register.
AERMOD Course in Las Vegas, Nevada – Apr 8-9, 2019 |
We will host 2 days of AERMOD training in Las Vegas from April 8 to 9, 2019.
This course will include a special 1-Hour NO2 NAAQS case study and a WRF case study for each student’s desired location.
AERMOD Course in London, UK – May 27-28, 2019 |
Our senior subject matter specialists will be in London, United Kingdom to present a 2-day AERMOD course from May 27 to 28, 2019.
ZEBU's All-in-One Business Solution |
Lakes Software’s sister company, ZEBU, has a new state of the art all in 1 solution for your company. In one app, you can manage your team communication, scheduling, and cloud storage needs all with advanced military grade encryption. Most important of all you can use it for FREE!
Get your team on ZEBU for FREE today!
Learn More | Register


AERMET View’s™ Upper Air Estimator |
The US EPA AERMET model is a meteorological preprocessor that prepares meteorological data into a format suitable for use by the US EPA AERMOD model. AERMET requires the input of two types of met data:
- Hourly surface meteorological data
- Twice-daily upper air sounding data
The upper air sounding data is required because it provides measurements of meteorological parameters from various vertical levels above ground thus providing a more complete view of the atmosphere at a given time. This data is recorded from weather balloons launched simultaneously around the globe at 00Z and 12Z each day. Data are made available from several resources including the NOAA/ESRL Radiosonde Database.
Problems can occur when sounding launch sites are not available in the vicinity of the modeling site. While surface-based observation networks can be very dense, there are far fewer upper air stations because conditions become much more homogenous at higher vertical levels. A few measurements will still provide a lot of data required for various meteorological operations.
When representative upper air data cannot be obtained, however, modelers must still provide data to AERMET in order to complete its processing. Direct measurements of mixing heights can be provided as an alternative to the upper air data, but it is rare to find such data.
Lakes Environmental’s AERMET View contains one solution – the Upper Air Estimator. This utility estimates convective mixing heights based on surface meteorological data.
To use the Upper Air Estimator, follow the steps below:
- Populate your AERMET View project with your Surface and/or Onsite met data
- From the Upper Air Pathway, select the Upper Air Estimator option
- Specify the Time Zone for the location where the modeling is taking place
- Run AERMET. AERMET View will run AERMET by using the Estimator to generate mixing heights.

For more information about the Upper Air Estimator, please refer to the document Worldwide Data Quality Effects on PBL Short-Range Regulatory Air Dispersion Models on our Technical Resources webpage.
Submit a Modeling Tip
Do you have a modeling tip topic you would like to learn about? Here's your chance to be heard! We always like to hear from our readers. Make your suggestions by sending an email to support@webLakes.com |

Environmental Regulations May Have Unintended Consequences in Energy Production |
February 4, 2019 - Many countries have passed environmental laws to preserve natural ecosystems. Although the regulations seem to have improved preservation efforts, they may have had unintended consequences in energy production, leading to more greenhouse gas emissions. That’s the conclusion of a new study by a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University that appears in the journal PLOS One.
Read more → |
A Warming World Increases Air Pollution |
February 4, 2019 - Climate change is warming the ocean, but it’s warming land faster and that’s really bad news for air quality all over the world, says a new University of California, Riverside study.
Read more → |
2019 Conference Schedule |
AWMA 8th Specialty Conference on Air Quality Models
March 19-21, 2019 | Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
Learn more →
Environmental Trade Fair and Conference (ETFC) - Booth 1147
May 14-15, 2019 | Austin, TX, USA
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AWMA 112th Annual Conference & Exhibition - Booth 300
June 25-28, 2019 | Québec City, QC, Canada
Learn more →
1-170 Columbia St. W.
Waterloo, ON N2L 3L3
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This newsletter contains information gleaned from various sources on the web, with complete links
to the sources cited. Organizations cited are in no way affiliated with Lakes Environmental Software.
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All comments and suggestions are welcome. You can e-mail us at: support@webLakes.com.