Lakes Environmental Newsletter
Lakes Software Monthly Newsletter


Monthly Newsletter - July 2024

Compliance Corner: Navigating the Regulatory Realm

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has introduced significant updates to its Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) for 2024. Key changes include revisions to subpart W (Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems), subpart C (General Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources), and subpart A (General Provisions). These updates address gaps in emissions data reporting for specific sectors and establish new confidentiality determinations. Additionally, the EPA has updated the global warming potentials (GWPs) and expanded the GHGRP to include new source categories, enhancing data collection and program implementation.

Another notable update is the introduction of the Waste Emissions Charge (WEC) for methane emissions, impacting facilities reporting under subpart W. This proposed rule outlines the charge implementation details, including calculations and exemptions. These updates aim to improve the accuracy and comprehensiveness of greenhouse gas emissions reporting, ensuring better regulatory compliance and environmental protection.

Contact us today to learn how our AQMIS Air Quality Management Solution can be used to ensure compliance with EPA air quality regulations including the recent revisions to Appendix W.

For more details, you can visit the EPA's Rulemaking Notices for GHG Reporting.

Lakes Environmental at A&WMA Conference and Exhibition

A&WMA logo  

We are incredibly grateful to everyone who visited our booth at the A&WMA Annual Conference and Exhibition in Calgary from June 24-27, 2024. It was a pleasure meeting each of you, and we hope you found the conference as enriching and enjoyable as we did.

We're excited about the opportunities to collaborate over the coming year and are already looking forward to reconnecting at the next A&WMA Annual Conference in Raleigh in 2025. See you there!

AERMOD View Draw Winners

Those who visited our booth at the A&WMA Annual Conference and Exhibition noted above had the chance to participate in a draw for a FREE 1-year copy of our AERMOD View software.

We would like to take this opportunity to offer our congratulations to our software winner, Prabhat Chaturvedi of Alberta Environment and Protected Areas.

A drawing for AERMOD View also took place at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Environmental Trade Fair and Conference in Austin (May 14-15, 2024). The winner at this show was Laura Rectenwald of Titanium Environmental Services. LLC.

Congratulations Prabhat and Laura!

Online AERMOD Training Course – Oct 15-16, 2024

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Don't miss your chance to attend our online AERMOD training course taking place on October 15 and 16, 2024, from 8:30am to 5:00pm (Central Time – Chicago, USA).

Register now to participate in this essential training!

Note: Due to the immense popularity of our online courses and small class sizes, we recommend registering and making payment as soon as possible to reserve your spot.


AERMOD (Oct 15-16, 2024)



Online CALPUFF Training Course – Oct 22-23, 2024

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Enhance your air dispersion modeling skills by registering for our 2-day online CALPUFF training course taking place on Oct 22 and 23, 2024 from 8:30am to 5:00pm (Central Time – Chicago).

Space is limited. Register today!


CALPUFF (Oct 22-23, 2024)



Lakes Environmental Closed for Ontario Civic Holiday

Lakes Environmental's Waterloo office will be closed on Monday, August 5, 2024, to observe the Ontario Civic holiday. Our Dallas support office will remain open on this day. If you have any needs during that time, please e-mail us at Any sales inquiries will be responded to when our offices reopen on Tuesday, August 6, 2024.


2024 Course Schedule

Oct 15-16, 2024
Register →

Oct 22-23, 2024
Register →

Nov 5-6, 2024
Register →

Dec 10-11, 2024
Register →

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Run CALMET in Parallel with CALPUFF View

One limitation of the CALPUFF air dispersion model is that it can only be executed on a single processor (i.e., serially). Previous modeling tips have discussed ways around this limitation. For example, executing CALPUFF with a single source will run faster than attempting to model multiple sources at a time. Modelers can then employ CALSUM to assess cumulative impacts. This approach has the added benefit of providing a way to assess individual source contributions.

While the default CALMET executable is also a serial process, Lakes Environmental’s CALPUFF View application has long included the ability to parallelize these runs. This allows modelers to complete CALMET assessments in a fraction of the time. CALPUFF View’s multi-processor functionality for CALMET divides the CALMET run up into pieces that can be executed simultaneously across multiple processors. Users can select the number of processors they want to use with no limits, based on the number of processors available on their machine. To enable CALMET Parallel, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to the application Preferences under the File menu.

Step 2: Select CALMET under the EPA Models/Limits heading.

Step 3: Enable the Use Multi-Processor Options and select the number of processors to use.

Modeling Tip picture

This can also be enabled from the Project Status – CALMET dialog that appears just prior to executing the model.

Modeling Tip picture

When executing CALMET Parallel, CALPUFF View will evenly divide the run period amongst the number of processors selected (with a minimum run period of 24 hours per run). Each piece is then run at the same time to complete the full period in record time.

Modeling Tip picture
Example Output from CALMET Parallel Execution with CALPUFF View



Melting of Alaskan Glaciers Shown to be Accelerating

July 2, 2024 - Melting of glaciers in a major Alaskan icefield has accelerated and could reach an irreversible tipping point earlier than previously thought, research led by Newcastle University suggests.

Read more →

True Scale of Carbon Impact From Long-Distance Travel Revealed

July 4, 2024 - The reality of the climate impact of long-distance passenger travel has been revealed in new research from the University of Leeds.

Read more →

Additional Environmental News

Visit the Environmental News Network (ENN), the most dependable online environmental news source!



2024 Conference Schedule

2024 Regional, State, and Local Dispersion Modelers' Workshop
July 30 - August 1, 2024 | Denver, CO

Learn more →


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to the sources cited. Organizations cited are in no way affiliated with Lakes Environmental Software.

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